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1If the globalisation or internationalisation of goods, services, and even people and ideas is a much debated and analyzed fact, it is less obvious to consider that it also affects education systems. Yet, education is not untouched by this phenomenon.

2To broach this question is to first identify the elements that cause education systems to confront each other, such as the multiplication of international comparisons and the setting of standards by international organisations.

3At the same time, it is also possible to observe resistance, a refusal of converging models and a diversity resulting notably from the values in which education systems - so far intimately related to a history, a land and a society - are rooted.

4This twin trend of standardisation and differentiation can now also be seen within education systems themselves. The shifts towards infra- and supranational scales and the emergence of a pluralist and hybrid education system in a great many countries raises the issue of inequalities even more strongly.

5In this issue based on case studies covering 23 countries, the voices of philosophers, economists, historians, geographers, specialists in sustainable development, international experts, as well as researchers and educators are to be heard. They put forward and debate their understanding of the major forces at work across the planet.

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Electronic reference

About issue no. 52Revue internationale d’éducation de Sèvres [Online], 52 | décembre 2009, Online since 01 July 2011, connection on 19 April 2024. URL:; DOI:

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